Our Journey to a Future Free of Plastic Pollution

Welcome to The Compost Bag Company, where sustainabilty drives innovation. Our biobased and certified compostable products bring solutions to specific needs. In four decades of customer dedication, we grew into a market leader, providing bioplastic products and shaping a green tomorrow altogether – one compostable bag at a time.

Our History

Rooted in a plastic converting enterprise from the 1960s, Jemaco emerged in 1982 under Gaston Vanderlinden’s leadership. Under his forward-thinking leadership, the company transformed from a straightforward traditional plastic products manufacturer into a beacon of innovation.

In 1996, his son Erik Vanderlinden drove the company to excellence with ISO9000 (1997) and ISO14000 (2000) certifications. Already then, the company strongly cared for its environmental impact and looked for alternatives to traditional plastics, digging into compostable materials in 1999. From 2008 on, the focus was redirected to certified compostable products, a commitment reinforced with a rebrand in 2012.

Today, we stand proud as The Compost Bag Company, celebrating four decades as a trailblazing market leader in certified compostable and biobased products across Europe. Our long journey speaks volumes about our enduring commitment to sustainability through constant innovation, driven by our strong belief in a green future.

UNITAR ‘Sustainable Development Goals Champion’ Charter

At The Compost Bag Company, our commitment to sustainability is more than just a promise, it’s a journey we have woven into our very fabric. For 3 years now, we’ve actively pursued the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, shaping company-wide policies that fuel meaningful change towards higher sustainability.

From detailed crafted action plans to impactful results, our efforts resonate in every corner of our community, leaving a positive impact on both the environment and society. Explore the details in our latest yearly sustainability report, a testament to our ongoing dedication.

This relentless pursuit of sustainability, audited by VOKA, will soon earn us the prestigious UNITAR SDG Champion Charter, an international recognition of our commitment to creating a green world.

Illustration of our sustainability report displayed on our company page.
Illustration of our essential material, Cardoon Thistle, displayed on our company page.

Biobased & Certified Compostable Materials

Since 2008, our partnership with a leading innovator in sustainable materials has positioned us as pioneer in Bioplastic solutions. Through this collaboration, we’ve found a plant-based material that stands out as our premier choice for crafting our biobased and certified compostable products. With more then 60% of the materials being renewable.

Our chosen material is derived from various renewable sources, including the cardoon thistle, a resilient weed indigenous to the arid lands of the Mediterranean. Cultivating this plant requires no additional water or fertilizers, providing employment opportunities for local farmers and factory workers at the nearby biorefinery, where every part of the plant is utilized efficiently. In addition, starch and waste from sugar beet refineries are added as the foundation of our material.

Furthermore, our dedication to using renewable basematerials is integral to our mission of reducing our carbon footprint. Implementing a multimodal transportation approach, primarily by train to Belgium, we contribute significantly to emissions reduction efforts. While exact figures may vary, our commitment to sustainability ensures a substantial decrease in CO2 emissions annually.

Eco-Friendly Manufacturing

The Compost Bag Company proudly operates a cutting-edge factory staffed by a dedicated and diverse team of green comitted professionals.

Our production processes prioritize environmental responsibility and exceptional quality, always considering the wellbeing of our team and community. We follow stringent protocols and hold certifications for “zero discharge of industrial wastewater,” ensuring minimal environmental impact. What sets us apart is our commitment to waste-free manufacturing, carefully repurposing every production scrap onsite.

Powered entirely by renewable energy sources like the sun, wind and water, our factory underscores our dedication to environmental stewardship. On top of it we diligently collect and recycle over 20 waste streams.

Our Representatives

Logo of The Compost Company Bag displayed next to potential partners section.

Exploring Partnership Possibilities?

Join us on this eco-friendly odyssey as we reinvent convenience without compromise. Every bag you use becomes a seed for a clean & green planet. With innovation as our compass and sustainability as our guide, we are navigating towards a better world for our offspring.

Thank you for being part of our journey to a future free of plastic pollution.